Junior Jelly Rolls (JJRs) are done with very small collections and many of the Bella Solids.
Tagged: Charm Pack, Honey Bun, Jelly Roll, Mini Charm, Pre Washing, Starch & Sizing.
PROJECT JELLY ROLL: Scrum-diddly-umptious Baby Quilt.
Bahan Membuat Jelly candy roll
- 1 saset agar agar (saya pake swalow).
- 1 gelas gula pasir.
- 1 gelas air.
- 5 ml pasta pandan.
Langkah Memasak Jelly candy roll
- Tuang air dan agar agar aduk aduk,masukan gulpas aduk lagi,masukan pasta pandan,kemudian masak dg api kecil sampe mendidih dan menjadi seperti gulali...
- Tuangkan ke loyang ukuran 30 X 30,dengan cepat dan ratakan.
- Setelah dingin,taburi gula halus,kemudian gulung.... Potong potong, jelly agarnya siap untuk di mkn....
- NB: gula halus 2 sendok mkn.
Be sure you are not OVERBAKING the cake, this will dry it out and cause it to break. Try the lower end of the baking time first. Roll the cake while still warm, if you wait too long after removing it from the oven it will break. Quilts that I need to recall for patterns or process or color to make for charity. See more ideas about Quilts, Black and white quilts, Jellyroll quilts.
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