Made using a Kaffe Fassett jelly roll.
We used the quilting pattern, Sticky Buns which we thought went really well.
A fun quilting pattern for a fun quilt.
Bahan Membuat Candy Jelly Roll
- 1 sachet agar Swallow.
- 250 gram gula.
- 200 ml air.
- Gula bubuk untuk taburan.
Langkah Memasak Candy Jelly Roll
- Masak air bersama gula dan bubuk agar-agar. Aduk terus hingga larut dan mengental..
- Tuang tipis-tipis ke dalam loyang. Saya pakai loyang kotak uk 28 cm. Biarkan dingin..
- Sentuh permukaan agar-agar. Jika sudah tidak lengket, bagi dua biar gampang nggulungnya. Taburi gula halus, sisakan bagian ujungnya. Lalu gulung..
- Potong sesuai selera, biarkan mengering. Simpan dalam toples rapat..
The jelly roll or Swiss roll fold is a protein fold or supersecondary structure composed of eight beta strands arranged in two four-stranded sheets. The name of the structure was introduced by Jane S. Learn to make delicious jelly candy at home with Orange Jelly Candy from My Food and Family! Roll candy in sugar until evenly coated. Place in single layer on wire racks.
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