Let's see how to make pineapple squash at home.
This recipe does not require any preservatives. so Try this cooling summer drink.
Keep the squash refrigerated." Put the pineapple peel and core in a nonreactive saucepan and add enough water to cover them.
Bahan Membuat 41. Yakult Pineapple Squash
- 1 botol Yakult.
- 1/2 sdt Chia Seed.
- 2 sdm Sirup Leci Marjan.
- 250 ml Sprite.
- Es Batu dadu.
- Setup Nanas.
- 1 buah Nanas potong2.
- 1 batang Kayu Manis kecil.
- 3 sdm Gula pasir.
- 300 ml Air.
Langkah Memasak 41. Yakult Pineapple Squash
- Pertama, buat dulu setup nanas dengan cara merebus semua bahan, aduk rata. Setelah matang, dinginkan terlebih dahulu, ambil buahnya saja.
- Buat terlebih dahulu rendaman 1/2 sdt chia seed dengan air matang.
- Siapkan gelas saji, masukkan es batu, sirup leci, setup nanas, yakult, dan sprite. Terakhir tambahkan chia seed atau bisa juga menggunakan biji selasih..
- Minuman segar Yakult Pineapple Squash siap disajikan.
Do you know why a pineapple can be a good observer? Maturity is typically most rapid in a low latitude, where women and pineapples most do thrive. Patty pan squash is versatile and makes for some delightful summer recipes. This easy recipe uses shallots and herbs and is a wonderful side dish. Patty pan squash could more accurately be called "flying saucer" squash because of its appearance—and, in fact, it sometimes is.
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