Benefits of squash include the ability to improve heart health, reduce the risk of cancer, & aid in diabetes management.
They can also help normalize blood pressure levels.
Campur buah leci, air leci, sirup leci, air jeruk, selasih, dan air soda.
Bahan Membuat Leci Fruit Squash
- Secukupnya Mangga.
- Secukupnya Anggur.
- Secukupnya Jeruk Santang.
- Secukupnya Jelly.
- Secukupnya Sirup Rasa Leci.
- Secukupnya Air Putih.
- Secukupnya Es Batu.
Langkah Memasak Leci Fruit Squash
- Siapkan semua bahan..
- Cuci bersih dan potong semua buah. Larutkan sirup rasa leci ke dalam air putih, aduk rata. Masukkan es batu dan semua buah. Campur rata..
- Siap disajikan..
If you thought squash was a veg, that makes sense. We typically equate vegetables to savory applications and fruits to sweet. Chayote is a green, bumpy squash with a mild taste and multiple beneficial effects. Chayote (Sechium edule) is a type of squash that belongs to the gourd family Cucurbitaceae. Squash (plural squash or squashes) is the common name used for four species in the genus Cucurbita of the gourd family Cucurbitaceae: C. pepo, C. maxima, C. mixta, and C. moschata.
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