Sinkers in photo: Green Tea Jelly.
Other sinkers available: Pearls Crystals Chia Seeds. *Placement of sinkers for presentation purposes only.
Sent wrong order and it leaked as the cup was squashed.
Bahan Membuat Lychee Squash Greentea Yakult
- 5 buah lychee.
- 1 bks/celup Greentea.
- 1 Yakult.
- 100 ml Air dingin / Es.
- 50 ml Air Panas.
- 4 Sdm Gula Pasir.
- 1 Sdm Madu.
Langkah Memasak Lychee Squash Greentea Yakult
- Siapkan bahan-bahan, seduh greentea dengan air panas..
- Masukan air dingin /Es kedalam blender, tambahkan greentea yang telah di seduh..
- Lalu masukan Yakult,Gula Pasir dan juga Madu..
- Blender sampai terlihat foam nya,lalu tambahkan 2 buah lychee dan blender kembali sampai terlihat lebih banyak foam nya..
- Siapkan gelas,masukan 3 buah lychee dan masukan bahan-bahan lain yang telah di blender. Rasanya segar dan foami banget 😁.
The unique perfumed flavor of the lychee fruit paired with fine China black tea results in a distinct uplifting taste. Litchi Squash Recipe, Learn how to make Litchi Squash (absolutely delicious recipe of Litchi Squash ingredients and cooking method) Store litchi squash in a bottle and mix with water for a delicious fruity beverage. This Litchi Squash recipe is Excellent and find more Great recipes, tried & tested recipes. Lychee tea is a fruit tea that consists of lychee fruit, juice, flower petals or extracts Lychee tea can be made in different ways. You can either use the extracted juice of the How To Cut & Cook Buttercup Squash.
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