A refreshing mix of lime and mint, this Virgin Mojito Recipe will be your new favorite drink.
This non-alcoholic mojito recipe will be a hit with kids and adults alike.
This virgin strawberry lime mojito is exactly what you need!
Bahan Membuat Virgin Strawberry Mojito
- 6 lembar daun mint.
- 1 sdm gula pasir atau sirup strawberry.
- 500 ml soda rasa lime atau soda tawar (saya sih lebih prefer Sprite/7up aja).
Langkah Memasak Virgin Strawberry Mojito
- Remes remes gemes daun mint nya masukkan ke dalam gelas berisi strawberry, hancurkan dengan sendok atau garpu (tidak perlu terlalu halus).
- Tambahkan soda dan es batu.
Strawberry mojito recipe without alcohol, learn how to make virgin strawberry mojito with this easy recipe! Be the first to write a review! Whether you prefer your mojito virgin, or spiked with rum, close your eyes and take a sip: It's a quick trip to the tropics, no airfare required! Virgin Strawberry Mojito Smoothie. by Molly Lansdowne. This strawberry mojito smoothie is unique in that it uses frozen zucchini in place of banana to make this drink ultra creamy.
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