Hi, everyone i'm shyni and welcome to my channel Ma's world.
Today its all about virgin mojito.
So this time we'll be seeing an easy way to make passion.
Bahan Membuat Pashion Fruit Mojito(Virgin)
- 2 buah jeruk nipis.
- 10 lmbr daun Mint.
- 1 sdt gula pasir/ gula merah.
- 1 sdm sirup leci/1 buah Markisa.
- 1 botol kecil sprite.
- secukupnya es batu.
Langkah Memasak Pashion Fruit Mojito(Virgin)
- potong jeruk nipis menjadi 4 bagian buang bijinya, masukkan gula, daun Mint dan jeruk nipis ke dalam gelas, Tumbuk kasar.
- tambahkan es batu ( crushed ice) tuangkan sprite dan leci syrup, aduk, sajikan..
- syrup bisa diganti dengan rasa yang lainya sesuai selera anda selamat mencoba :-).
Fruity, refreshing and utterly delicious cocktail that is easy to make at home! Or if you wish to create a theme, why not make my Summer Party Mojito Grilled Chicken Thighs and serve them with this delicious Orzo Salad with Grilled Zucchini. This Passion Fruit Mojito is an awesome, refreshing, beachy twist on the classic mojito recipe, and is perfect for daytime drinking. To make this fruity mojito recipe, combine white rum, fresh lime, soda water, simple syrup, passion fruit juice, and passion fruit, and garnish with lime wedges and mint. How to Make a Virgin Mojito?
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