This virgin strawberry lime mojito is exactly what you need!
Not only is it beautiful to look at, it's refreshing and tastes AH-MAZING!!
A refreshing mix of lime and mint, this Virgin Mojito Recipe will be your new favorite drink.
Bahan Membuat Strawberry Virgin Mojito
- 15 buah Strawberry.
- 2 buah Jeruk Nipis.
- 1 genggam Daun Mint.
- 1/2 botol Sprite.
- 3 gula pasir.
Langkah Memasak Strawberry Virgin Mojito
- Hancurkan 10 buah Strawberry, 1 buah jeruk nipis yg dipotong sangat tipis dan separuh daun mint - sisanya untuk garnis atau di drop di minuman.
- Masukkan dlm gelas / Jar, tuang Ice, gula dan Sprite...
- Voila... Serasa duduk di teras Swimming Pool Havana Libre Hotel di Havana.
Strawberry mojito recipe without alcohol, learn how to make virgin strawberry mojito with this easy Refreshing Strawberry Mojito Mocktail. Summer is right around the corner and what could be. Be the first to write a review! Whether you prefer your mojito virgin, or spiked with rum, close your eyes and take a sip: It's a quick trip to the tropics, no airfare required! Strawberry Nectarine Mojito - simple, sweet and delicious cocktail just in time for Valentine's Now about this Strawberry Nectarine Mojito.
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