You can always alter the recipe according to your taste.
I prefer sparkling water, instead of soda, at least then it makes this.
This virgin strawberry mojito is the perfect blend of citrus tang with cool mint and luscious berry.
Bahan Membuat Strawberry virgin mojito 🍹
- 2 Piece Strawberry.
- 0,5 Piece Lime or Lemon.
- 1 Bottle Soda Water Plain.
- 1,5 Oz Grenadine Syrup.
- 2 Scoops Ice Cube.
- 10 Pieces Mint Leave.
Langkah Memasak Strawberry virgin mojito 🍹
- Potong bush strawberry menjadi beberapa bagian sesuai selera.
- Remas remas daun mint hingga mengeluarkan aroma segar dan jika perlu tumbuk sedikit jgn sampai halus.
- Siapkan gelas untuk di sajikan dan beri beberapa cube ice batu.
- Tuangkan Syrup Grenadine pada gelas dan campur dengan perasan jeruk nipis.
- Masukkan strawberry yg sudah di potong beserta daun mint yang sudah di remas atau tumbuk kedalam gelas.
- Terakhir tuangkan soda water dan aduk hingga merata..
- Selamat mencoba.
It is a refreshing drink which is made with the combination of lemon juice, peppermint, mint leaves, sugar, salt, ice and sprite. I hope you love this recipe as much as I do. It's super easy and oh so tasty. perfect for the spring and summer and any party you might have. A perfectly refreshing summer mocktail that the whole family can enjoy! It's actually good anytime of the year, but with strawberry season approaching, this will be especially delicious.
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