This non-alcoholic mojito recipe will be a hit with kids and adults alike.
There is so much flavor from the healthy ingredients in this mojito mocktail and they're super easy to make for a crowd.
To make a virgin mojito, start by crushing mint leaves, sugar, and simple syrup in a thick, sturdy glass using a wooden spoon.
Bahan Membuat 🍸Virgin Mojito
- 2 sdm Gula cair / symple sirup.
- 200 ml Soda (sprite) sesuai selera.
- 1 buah Lemon.
- 8 lembar Daun mint.
- Es batu.
Langkah Memasak 🍸Virgin Mojito
- Masukan es batu secukupnya, tambahkan gula cair.
- Peras 1/2 buah lemon, kemudian sisanya potong potong.
- Remas daun mint kemudian masukkan gelas, dan tambahkan soda.
An easy crowd-pleasing non-alcoholic cocktail, the delightful virgin mojito. One of the most popular non-alcoholic beverages in the country, Virgin Mojito is a perfect blend of mint and lemon flavours into a refreshing mix which rejuvenates the senses and makes you calm at once. A perfectly satisfying drink for a hot summer day, Virgin Mojito is something that you would end up making very often after trying it once. It is a refreshing drink which is made with the combination of lemon juice, peppermint, mint leaves, sugar, salt, ice and sprite. Super Simple Virgin Mojito Recipe - A Lovely Non Alcoholic Drink The weather here is warming up, believe it or not the ground is thawing after a very cold winter.
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