One of the most popular non-alcoholic beverages in the country, Virgin Mojito is a perfect blend of mint and lemon flavours into a refreshing mix which rejuvenates the senses and makes you calm at once.
Virgin mojito is a refreshing drink made with easy ingredients available without any alcoholic beverage in it.
I tasted this drink first time at the restaurant in Myraa's beach club.
Bahan Membuat Virgin Mojito
- 100 ml Air tebu asli, masukkan ke kulkas sampai dingin banget.
- 20 lembar Daun mint.
- 1 buah Jeruk nipis.
- Secukupnya Es batu.
Langkah Memasak Virgin Mojito
- Tekan-tekan jeruk nipis supaya dapat banyak air perasannya. Iris-iris sesuai selera, peras dan masukkan sekalian kulit jeruk nipisnya ke gelas. Remas daun mint sampai tercium wangi daunnya. Masukkan kegelas juga. Tambahkan es batu. Tuang air tebunya. Aduk sebentar. Siap dinikmati deh kesegaran virgin mojitonya 😍..
Cut the half lime into two pieces and add them to. Mojito is basically a alchohol based drink that has mint leaves, lemon juice (citrus flavors) and sugar. A mojito that does not have alchohol in it is a 'virgin mojito' and is categorized as a mocktail. This basic mojito recipe can be easily twisted. Try swapping the soda for bitter lemon or elderflower tonic, and adding a handful of frozen berries with the.
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