Virgin mojito is a refreshing drink made with easy ingredients available without any alcoholic beverage in it.
I tasted this drink first time at the restaurant in Myraa's beach club.
Easy Virgin Mojito Recipe: Step by Step Virgin Mojito Recipe, Tips to One of the most popular non-alcoholic beverages in the country, Virgin Mojito is a perfect blend of mint and lemon flavours into a.
Bahan Membuat Virgin Lemon Mojito
- 1/2 lemon.Potong2.
- 8 lembar daun mint.
- 1 botol soda tawar.
- Es batu.
- Bahan sirup :.
- Larutkan 2 sdm gula dengan air.Masak sebentar saja, sampai larut.
Langkah Memasak Virgin Lemon Mojito
- Masukkan lemon dan daun mint ke dalam gelas..
- Bejek2 (tekan2) daun mint dan lemon sebentar sampai aromanya keluar..
- Masukkan es batu..
- Masukkan air soda..
- Masukkan sekitar 4 sdm syrup (sesuai selera).
- Mojito siap diminum :).
Super Simple Virgin Mojito Recipe - A Lovely Non Alcoholic Drink. The weather here is warming up, believe it or not the ground is thawing after a very. How to Make Virgin Mojito with Mint & Lime. Raw sugar brings ethereal mint back to earth grounding Vata. What is virgin mojito with mint & lime?
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