One of the most popular non-alcoholic beverages in the country, Virgin Mojito is a perfect blend of mint and lemon flavours into a refreshing mix which rejuvenates the senses and makes you calm at once.
Virgin mojito is a refreshing drink made with easy ingredients available without any alcoholic beverage in it.
I tasted this drink first time at the restaurant in Myraa's beach club.
Bahan Membuat Virgin Mojito
- 1 genggam daun mint.
- 2 buah jeruk nipis.
- 1 kaleng air soda.
- Secukupnya es batu.
- 30 ml simple syrup (2sdt gula + 30ml air panas).
Langkah Memasak Virgin Mojito
- Siapkan semua bahan lalu buat syrup nya.
- Potong jeruk bentuk wedges dan slice bulat. Wedgesnya untuk diperas ya.
- Siapkan daun mint di gelas dan tumbuk saya pakai rolling pin. Tambahkan es batu dan jeruk nipisnya..
- Tuang air soda dan syrupnya, aduk rata dan sajikan.
- Selamat menikmati dan mencoba sueger guys.
Cut the half lime into two pieces and add them to. Mojito is basically a alchohol based drink that has mint leaves, lemon juice (citrus flavors) and sugar. A mojito that does not have alchohol in it is a 'virgin mojito' and is categorized as a mocktail. This basic mojito recipe can be easily twisted. Try swapping the soda for bitter lemon or elderflower tonic, and adding a handful of frozen berries with the.
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