This jellylike substance is a mix of carbohydrates that have been extracted from red.
What are the tricks? when you first start the game you can feed and eat, and then you can divide and swallow the players who are smaller than you by pressing the space key.
Agar (agar agar) and Kanten are a natural gelatin obtained from algae.
Bahan Membuat Agar-Agar Swallow
- 1 bungkus agar2 swallow.
- 2 bungkus kara.
- 1 bongkah gula merah.
- 2 sendok makan garam.
- Sejumput garam.
- 3 gelas air putih.
Langkah Memasak Agar-Agar Swallow
- Siapkan bahan2, aku pake santan kara ya mom, gula merah, agar2 swallow, gula putih dan garam ga kefoto. Kemudian masukan air dan agar2 aduk hingga mendidih, lalu tambahkan gula merah, gula pasir,garam dan santan kara aduk hingga merata kemduian matikan kompor aduk2 agar tidak terlalu panas.
- Kemudian tuangkan ke adonan, tunggu hingga dingin dan masukan ke dalam kulkas....
- Agar-agar siap dinikmati 🍽.
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