In a mixing bowl, combine the cornstarch, broth, soy sauce.
You can make the beef teriyaki with your favorite cut of beef and homemade teriyaki sauce.
This Beef Teriyaki is the first Asian beef recipe I had the kids try and it's since led to a large variety The beef teriyaki is added to a marinade for at least an hour before cooking.
Bahan Membuat Beef Teriyaki
- 350 gr daging sapi (iris tipis).
- Bawang bombay.
- Daun bawang.
- Air.
- Bumbu marinade/ rendaman:.
- 1/3 ruas jahe parut.
- 2 siung bawang putih dihaluskan.
- 1 sdm merica bubuk.
- 1 sdm kecap asin.
- 3 sdm saos terikayi.
- 1 sdt saos sambal.
- Sejumput garam.
- Sejumput gula halus.
- 5 cabe rawit (opsional) haluskan.
- 1 sdm minyak sayur.
Langkah Memasak Beef Teriyaki
- Siapkan bumbu halus kemudian cuci bersih daging slide.
- Siapkan bumbu marinade kemudian balurkan pada daging hingga rata dan didiamkan selama 15 menit supaya bumbu meresap..
- Tumis bawang bombay hingga harum masukkan daging marinade tambahkan air secukupnya, koreksi rasa tambahkan isian daun bawang dan tunggu hingga air susut. Beef teriyaki siap dinikmati dengan nasi hangat..
This beef jerky recipe is made with a beef cut commonly used for London broil and marinated before drying in teriyaki, soy sauce, orange juice, and. These Beef Teriyaki Noodles are comfort food at it's finest. Tender cubed flank steak sautéed until tender and tossed with. Easy Teriyaki Beef Meatballs are smothered in a thick and easy to make homemade Teriyaki So versatile, these Teriyaki Beef Meatballs can be served as a main meal with steamed rice and veggies. In Japan, teriyaki beef isn't a stir-fried dish of rubbery beef and sweet sauce.
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