Lihat juga resep Puding mango chocolate fla vanila keju enak lainnya!
Lihat juga resep Fluffy pancake, vanilla sauce, strawberry coulis enak lainnya! this is my first pudding recipe and i thought of to start with mango pudding dessert as it mango season currently. to be honest i am not a big fan of pudding recipe but my husband is a great fan of pudding reality his favourite pudding is chocolate pudding recipe or in other words chocolate mousse recipe. i prepare it quite often and try to mix it up with vanilla, strawberry and.
This custard vanilla sauce has a perfect consistency, not too thick, not too thin.
Bahan Membuat Puding Choco Mango saus Vanila
- 2 bungkus Bubuk Agar-agar.
- Sesuai selera Gula Pasir.
- 1 sdm perisa Cokelat dan Mangga.
- 1 sachet Susu kental manis.
- 1 sachet Krimer.
- 1 liter air.
- 1 bks fla instan.
Langkah Memasak Puding Choco Mango saus Vanila
- Adonan Cokelat :.
- Campurkan gula pasir,krimer,bubuk agar2, susu kental manis dan perisa cokelat.. dengan air 500 ml.
- Bahan2 tersebut didihkan.. sambil diaduk aduk.
- Setelah mendidih siapkan wadah/cetakan puding isi setengah wadah... lalu dinginkan.. hingga membentuk puding lapisan 1.
- Adonan Mangga :.
- Campurkan gula pasir,krimer,bubuk agar2, susu kental manis dan perisa mangga.. dengan air 500ml.
- Bahan2 tersebut didihkan sambil diaduk-aduk....
- Setelah mendidih, campurkan dengan puding rasa cokelat yang sudah dingin... lalu dinginkan hingga membentuk puding lapisan ke 2....
- Fla : saya beli yang instan mom... merknya My Vla... hihihi biar praktisss....
- Puding siap dihidangkan....
Pour into hot milk, a little at a time, stirring to dissolve. Making vanilla chia seed pudding is super easy. it just takes a few stirs and a couple of hours to set. Here's a look at what you can expect. The full printable recipe is at the bottom of this post. Place chia seeds, almond milk, vanilla and sweetener in a container or bowl and mix well.
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