Using natural dyes and practical packaging that is easy to carry.
With a combination of blackcurrant and mango flavors were delicious, Sugus Blackcurrant Mango can be enjoyed by anyone.
AJ Vape Mango Blackcurrant is a mix of sweet Mango and Blackcurrant that will definitely have you coming back for more.
Bahan Membuat PUDING Yogurt Blackcureent Mango Vla Vanila
- 1 bungkus puding Nutrijel rasa yogurt blackcureent.
- 1 bungkus Nutrijel rasa mango.
- 1 bungkus Vla Vanila instan merek Nutrijel.
- toping sesuai selera bisa buah2n, coklat, dsb.
Langkah Memasak PUDING Yogurt Blackcureent Mango Vla Vanila
- Masak puding dengan air mendidih tambahkan gula/ susu kental untuk rasa manis Setelah mendidih angkat diamkan 3 menit dan taburkan bubuk nutrijel Sediakan gelas untuk wadah dan diamkan sampai mengeras Untuk Vla campur air panas dan fla aduk sampai mengental tuangkan diatas nya dan berikan topping sesuai selera. . SELAMAT MENCOBA.
Dice up a Mango and mix it with pudding. This Thai recipe for mango pudding is really easy to make—you'll have it whipped up and in the refrigerator in just a few minutes. This mango pudding is simply the best. And it's also one of the easiest to put together. What makes it extra good is the fact that it is made.
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