Ingredients: Lemon cubes Mint leaves Sugar Water Ice cubes Soda.
Lime improve digestive function and ground Vata.
Raw sugar brings ethereal mint back to earth grounding Vata.
Bahan Membuat Lime virgin mojito
- Daun mint.
- Daun bayam merah.
- Moctail.
- 100 ml Soda susu.
- 150 ml Sprite.
- Buah kiwi.
- Buah lemon.
- Jeruk nipis.
Langkah Memasak Lime virgin mojito
- Potong satu buah lemon, dan peras setengah lemon, masukan perasan lemon ke gelas.
- Potong buah kiwi berbentuk lingkarang tipis, dan masukan ke gelas.
- Tuangkan soda susu 100ml.
- Tuangkan sprite 150ml, beri perasan jeruk nipis.
- Lalu garnis mocktail dengan daun mint, daun bayam merah, dan potong tipis buah lemon..
My virgin mojito recipe was an easy choice. Super Simple Virgin Mojito Recipe - A Lovely Non Alcoholic Drink. The weather here is warming up, believe it or not the ground is thawing after a very. Create the perfect Virgin Mojito with this step-by-step guide. Add lime juice, mint leaves and simple syrup into a highball glass.
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