Virgin apple mojito Apple Virgin Mojito (Mocktail) Cocktail Recipe - How To Make Cocktail Recipes - diffordsguide. to make an apple mojito (non-alcoholic) (non-alcoholic) use mint leaves, freshly squeezed lemon juice. Classic Virgin Mojito summer set with apple? lime and strawberry on a white background Various non-alcoholic cocktails. Frozen Strawberry, Wild Cherry, Green Apple, Virgin Mojito and their.

Bahan Membuat Virgin apple mojito

  1. 15 lembar daun mint.
  2. 3 potongan jeruk nipis.
  3. 1 sendok teh gula pasir.
  4. 4 oz apel jus.
  5. air soda.
  6. serut es.

Langkah Memasak Virgin apple mojito

  1. Masukan daun mint,jeruk nipis,& gula pasir ke dalam gelas..
  2. Lalu muddler sampai daun mint pecah dan jeruk nipisnya kluar airnya..
  3. Tambah es serut secukupnya.
  4. Tuang jus apple lalu sedikit diaduk biar aroma mint dan jeruk nipia tercampur dengan jus apple.
  5. Lalu terakhir tuangkan air soda sampai gelas penuh.
  6. Hiasi gelas dengan potongan jeruk nipis dan daun mint.

Traditionally, a mojito is a cocktail that consists of five ingredients: white rum, sugar (traditionally sugar cane juice), lime juice, soda water, and mint. Apple Virgin Mojito (sem álcool) (Não-alcoólico). A origem exata do Mojito e de seu nome foram perdidas no tempo. This basic mojito recipe can be easily twisted. Try swapping the soda for bitter lemon or elderflower tonic, and adding a handful of frozen berries with the.

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