I'm new to the whole green juice scene.
You can make these juices in bulk and refrigerate for the week, or whip up the green goodness on the fly when your body is feeling sluggish.
The key to making a green.
Bahan Membuat Green Juice #5
- 2 buah timun besar.
- 100 gr kale.
- 250 gr caisim.
- 2 buah apel Fuji.
- 1 buah lemon.
- 100 gr nanas madu.
- 4-5 cm jahe.
Langkah Memasak Green Juice #5
- Cuci bersih semua bahan..
- Kupas apel, buang biji, potong jadi 6 - 8 bagian. Kupas lemon, buang biji, potong jadi 6 - 8 bagian. Kupas nanas, potong ukuran 4 cm. Kupas jahe. Bahan2 lainnya potong ukuran 4 cm..
- Siapkan slow juicer. Masukkan bahan satu per satu secara bergantian hingga habis..
- Juice siap diminum..
Learn the benefits of green Some people debate if green juice is healthy or not. In my opinion, green juice that is low in sugar is. A superfood punch that supports metabolism and anti-aging. This green juice is packed with kale, romaine and parsley, a green apple for a hint of sweetness and a big splash of lemon juice for a little zing. Green juice fasting is an incredible strategy to heal your body and improve your overall health.
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