Juice it stalk and all, and.
Looking for a new juicing combination?
Try this tasty sweet kale, apple, lemon and ginger juice!
Bahan Membuat Jus Kale Apel Lemon
- 4 batang kale organik,potongpotong kecil.
- 1 buah apel merah Fuji,ngga dikupas,buang biji potong kecil2.
- 1 buah lemon ambil airnya saja.
- 1 sachet diabetasol/tropicana slim/madu secukupnya.
Langkah Memasak Jus Kale Apel Lemon
- Masukkan semua bahan ke blender,nyalakan blender dan tunggu sampai mencapai konsistensi yg diinginkan.
- Enak segar bgt,rasanya manis asem seger apalagi kalo dihidangkan dingin❤di foto ada bintikbintik merah coklat itu kulit apelnya ya.
Pressed apples put a sweet spin on this balanced green juice. Green spinach and kale, hydrating cucumber and other leafy veggies are balanced by apples and lemon. While the kale stands, cut the dates into thin slivers and the apple into thin matchsticks. This Kale Apple Smoothie is made with simple ingredients and is super fresh and delicious. It's also pretty low calorie although The sweetness of the apple really works well and tones it down a lot.
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