Lalu, chia seed juga akan mengembang ketika terkena air.
Chia seed akan berubah jadi seperti gel Anda bisa membuat jus apa saja, mau jus pisang, apel, kiwi, pir, semangka, blueberry, mangga, strawberry.
Chia seed tidak berasa dan tidak terlalu berbau.
Bahan Membuat Jus Kale Apel Chia Seed
- 100 gr kale.
- 1 bh apel hijau.
- 1/2 bh lemon peras.
- 1 sdt chia seed.
Langkah Memasak Jus Kale Apel Chia Seed
- Siapkan bahan-bahannya..
- Potong apel dan kale. Masukkan dalam juicer beri perasan lemon..
- Siapkan gelas yang berisi chia seed yg sudah direndam air lalu tuang jus buah dan sayur. Aduk dan siap dinikmati..
These chia seed recipes just might be. From muffins to burgers to pizza, we're looking at the many alternative ways to use these mini but mighty The chia seeds speckled throughout these bright, bite-size cookies play a more important role than just looking pretty—along with coconut oil, they replace. Chia seeds come from Salvia hispanica, a flowering plant native to Mexico and Guatemala. Cultivated by indigenous cultures like the Aztecs, Mayans, and One of chia seeds' most interesting properties is their incredible ability to absorb water. According to a research paper by Dolores Alvardado from the University of the Valley of.
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