Stir together flour, cocoa, salt, and baking powder with a whisk.
Fudge Brownies, Healthy Low-Fat Fudge Brownies Recipe.
Easy and healthy recipe for low-fat rich decadent fudge brownies.
Bahan Membuat Low Fat Fudge Brownies
- 1 buah Pisang Ambon.
- 100 gram Gula Palem.
- 2 butir Putih Telur.
- 1/2 sendok teh Garam.
- 50 gram Tepung Terigu Protein Rendah.
- 1 sendok makan Bubuk Cokelat.
- secukupnya Kacang Almond.
Langkah Memasak Low Fat Fudge Brownies
- Campur pisang, gula, putih telur dan garam. Kocok hingga rata..
- Masukkan Terigu yang sudah dicampur dengan coklat bubuk. Kocok lagi hingga rata..
- Masukkan adonan ke dalam loyang, taburi kacang almond. Masak hingga matang..
- Penampakan hasil matangnya. Resep aslinya menggunakan bukan coklat bubuk, tapi coklat masak yang ditim dan taburannya oatmeal-buah cherry..
Our mixes are made from only the finest INGREDIENTS using no artificial flavors, colors or. This is a vegan brownie recipe, oil free brownie recipe, gluten free brownie recipe and low fat brownie recipe. So you can see what makes a You can make these chocolate brownies become fudge brownies or more cake like brownies. I do prefer my brownies to be fudgy, so I lean towards. There is nothing like a Brownie to satisfy a chocolate craving.
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