Low Fat Fudge Brownies Stir together flour, cocoa, salt, and baking powder with a whisk. Fudge Brownies, Healthy Low-Fat Fudge Brownies Recipe. Easy and healthy recipe for low-fat rich decadent fudge brownies.

Bahan Membuat Low Fat Fudge Brownies

  1. 1 buah Pisang Ambon.
  2. 100 gram Gula Palem.
  3. 2 butir Putih Telur.
  4. 1/2 sendok teh Garam.
  5. 50 gram Tepung Terigu Protein Rendah.
  6. 1 sendok makan Bubuk Cokelat.
  7. secukupnya Kacang Almond.

Langkah Memasak Low Fat Fudge Brownies

  1. Campur pisang, gula, putih telur dan garam. Kocok hingga rata..
  2. Masukkan Terigu yang sudah dicampur dengan coklat bubuk. Kocok lagi hingga rata..
  3. Masukkan adonan ke dalam loyang, taburi kacang almond. Masak hingga matang..
  4. Penampakan hasil matangnya. Resep aslinya menggunakan bukan coklat bubuk, tapi coklat masak yang ditim dan taburannya oatmeal-buah cherry..

Our mixes are made from only the finest INGREDIENTS using no artificial flavors, colors or. This is a vegan brownie recipe, oil free brownie recipe, gluten free brownie recipe and low fat brownie recipe. So you can see what makes a You can make these chocolate brownies become fudge brownies or more cake like brownies. I do prefer my brownies to be fudgy, so I lean towards. There is nothing like a Brownie to satisfy a chocolate craving.

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