Use this sample menu and others for planning healthy reduced-calorie meals.
The DASH diet features menus with plenty of vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy products, as well as whole grains, fish, poultry and nuts.
Incorporate this two-phase plan from Marla Heller's The DASH Diet Weight Loss Solution with bonus sample day menus for both phases.
Bahan Membuat DIET MENU 1
- 2 buah Roti Gandum.
- 6 helai Selada.
- 3 buah Tomat.
- 6 buah Brokoli.
- 1 buah Tahu.
- 40 biji Kacang Merah.
- 2 butir Putih Telur.
- 1/4 potong Fillet Dada Ayam.
- 1 cangkir Susu Kedelai.
- 1 bungkus Soy Bar.
Langkah Memasak DIET MENU 1
- Dalam menu ini saya makan sebanyak 4kali dan 2kali snack..
- Pukul 07.00 : - 2 buah roti gandum - 1 buah tomat - 2 helai selada - 1 potong brokoli - 10 biji kacang merah rebus - 1 putih telur (orak arik di pan/teflon anti lengket, tanpa minyak!).
- Pukul 10.30 : - Soy bar (saya menggunakan soy joy/fitbar).
- Pukul 12.00 : - 4 potong brokoli - 2 helai selada - 1 buah tomat - 1 putih telur (orak arik di pan/teflon anti lengket, tanpa minyak!) - 10 biji kacang merah.
- Pukul 15.30 - 1/4 fillet dada ayam lebih baik jika direbus. - 1 buah tomat - 2 helai selada - 1 potong brokoli - 20 butir kacang merah.
- Pukul 17.00 : Susu Kedelai.
- Pukul 18.30 : 1 buah tahu kukus/rebus (20x20).
This menu plan and diet overview provides a basic diet plan framework for beginning to follow the Cellular Healing Diet. For more in-depth information and recipes, get my book here: link. Before you begin planning your meals, you need to plan how you want to allot your carbs for each day. The carb count for breakfast should be one-third of your daily carb allotment. That's because the keto diet has become one of the most popular methods worldwide to shed excess weight and improve.
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