Quaker® and Chef'd have teamed up to deliver everything you need for amazing overnight oats straight to your door.
Your daily values may be higher or lower.
The classic Quaker oatmeal cookies recipe from the old-fashioned oats box or canister, plus tips for making these cookies come out perfectly!
Bahan Membuat Quaker Oat Diet Cookies
- 225 gram Oat Instant (di blender halus).
- 150 gram oat instant (tanpa blender).
- 1 sdt baking powder.
- 125 ml Olive Oil.
- 125 ml madu.
- 50 g Putih telur.
- 125 g kismis.
Langkah Memasak Quaker Oat Diet Cookies
- Aduk semua bahan kering jadi 1, masukkan bahan basah. aduk rata dengan sendok.
- Siapkan loyang yang sudah di alasin kertas baking, saya menyendok adonan dengan takaran sendok teh dengan tanpa di padatkan (karna adonan tidak mengunakan terigu agar cookies tidak terlalu keras setelah di panggang)..
- Kemudian pipihkan asal adonan mengunakan garpu, panaskan oven 170C, me panggang sekitar 1 jam sampai kecoklatan..
See more ideas about Quaker oatmeal cookies, Quaker oatmeal, Oatmeal cookies. Keto Vs Paleo Diet: What's the Difference? Sift together flour, soda, salt,. minutes. Cookies were a treat for me as a child, but were also something that my mom would give me in a limited amount. At home we are not allowed to eat food with too much sugar.
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